FAQ: Stealth Socks: Covertly Fresh, Impeccably Styled
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Do Stealth Socks fit women?

Yes! While our patterns may be geared a bit more towards the male palette, they definitely fit our favorite femme fatales as well. Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:47 pm EDT

Are Stealth Socks left/right aka asymmetrical fit?

No, there is no definitively left or right Stealth Sock. Through user research, we determined that any debatable improvement to fit it provided was vastly outweighed by how annoying it is to try and figure out which sock is which. Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:50 pm EDT

How are Stealth Socks different from Product X, Y, or Z?

We’ll be first to state that many of the features in the Stealth Sock have existed on the market in one form or another. But as owners of all those products, as much as we liked certain aspects, we always found things that bugged us about each one. The Stealth Sock’s beauty lies in being a unique combination of features and functions that allow it to meet our criteria for the perfect sock without compromise. Why settle when you can have it all? Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:50 pm EDT

Will Stealth Socks fall apart like other socks I’ve bought?

No, the pilling, getting fuzzy, and all manners of unraveling we saw in our purchases was probably our biggest peeve and we learned from other’s mistakes. We added a number of features, the most prominent of which was the reinforced footbed, that prevents the sock from pilling easily and falling apart with wear. Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:50 pm EDT

What does the name Maison Impeccable mean?

Maison is French for “House”, and is commonly used in the names of luxury goods brands like Maison Martin Margiela. Impeccable, in both English and French, means pristine and perfect. Thus, it refers to a brand of flawless style (or a particularly clean home), but a sharp eye might catch an homage to a particular franchise of spy thrillers. Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:50 pm EDT

What are you guys planning for the future?

Stealths Socks are definitely just beginning! We’re not really a sock company, more like a clothing company that makes socks. Our goal is to expand into a full line of apparel, but to get there, we need your help and support with this initial project. Last updated: Wed, Mar 16 2016 2:50 pm EDT

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When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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